

A Vocabulary for the Future is an audiovisual creation project produced for the Open City Biennale of Thought 2020. It is composed of 14 original short films, created from the dialogue between thirty filmmakers, visual artists, writers and thinkers, both local and international. The project attempts to generate an incipient vocabulary of another possible future, a first map for exploring exits from this damaged present.

Raül Garrigasait redefines FREEDOM, and Laura Ginès and I made the film.

This project is produced by Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

SCREENINGS: Pati de les Dones, CCCB Barcelona. Biennal de Pensament, Oct 2020 // El dia més curt, short film festival. Dec 2020 // Video Out Presents: New Normal, New NarrativeVivo Media Arts Centre. Vancouver, Sept 2021.